Top Secret: Nuevo Orden Mundial en español
18/07/2017Nuevo escritor para aventuras de Top Secret: Nuevo Orden Mundial
24/07/2017We have the honor and pleasure to announce that Bastión de Mundos is going to be the one to bring you in Spanish the legendary game of espionage TOP SECRET (created by Merle M. Ramussen in 1980) in this its 3rd edition; NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL. The game comes again from Merle M. Rasmussen himself with a new and updated system, faster and more cinematographic.
Right now, the new and re-born TSR Games is in its own (and really succesful crowdfunding so you can take a look to how the Spanish version will be (TOP SECRET KICKSTARTER). We can’t give you more information in this moment but we can forward you the author of its first supplement: Douglas Niles.
He wasn’t only the writer of Top Secret 2nd edition, you will also known him for winner of the H.G. Wells award and the Origins award, Niles’ game design and writing credits are many, including six of the original Dragonlance modules, modules for Basic, Expert, and Companion D&D, as well as H1 Bloodstone Pass for the AD&D Battlesystem, the Dungeoneers Survival Guide, not to mention numerous 2nd Edition AD&D products including City of Greyhawk and many more Dragonlance products. Douglas Niles also worked on the Indiana Jones game, several Star Frontiers modules, and designed the Knight Hawks rules for Star Frontiers. But I remember him (with affection) mainly for the Moonshaes trilogy and Maztica (Forgotten Realms). A heavyweigth in these circles.
We hope you are as excited as we are because something big is coming. Pay attention to your screens. The New World Order is coming.
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